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Even when we didn't have a home and she didn't have a job, my mom made Christmas magical.
Because 8 days of Hanukkah + 12 days of Christmas = $$$.
Winter is coming.
Games, activities, conversation starters–plus, how to choose the right platform for your fam.
4. "You know what we can finally do this year?"
Cause we all need a little chill this year.
Money doesn't buy you happiness? Ho ho, I beg to differ, my friend.
Because moms know what moms need.
And it has nothing to do with resolutions.
10. "In the morning, we're going to open presents, eat breakfast and then go to Grandma's house."
If every family took a few very small, simple steps to care for the environment this Christmas, the cumulative effect would be massive.
Start with fruits and veggies as the foundation.
The holiday season is baby-making season in America.
Ready to create your own modern winter wonderland at home, mama?
Gift ideas for the beauty-obsessed.
Because sharing is caring.
5. "Let's go on a holiday scavenger hunt."
Another "Christmas Prince?" Yes, please!
If there's anything better than dressing your kids up in adorable holiday outfits, it's gotta be matching them.
Sending your gifts now is basically a present to your future self.