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There’s more to Halloween than just candy. Part of the fun is in family costumes, getting together with loved ones over themed Halloween desserts and just having a good time. Especially, for kiddos who have to take extra care when they’re trick or treating or for those who might not even go out due to food allergies, then having non-food, nut-free treats on hand is great.

Help kids with nut allergies enjoy trick-or-treating a little more safely. Food allergies are on the rise—and they have nearly doubled over the previous generation. If you break down the numbers, that’s roughly two children in every classroom. This Halloween, we can prioritize including children with food allergies by providing nut-free treats or non-food treats.

Meet the Teal Pumpkin Project. Started by FARE, this worldwide movement offers an alternative for kids with food allergies, as well as other children for whom candy is not an option. It keeps Halloween a fun, positive experience for all! So paint a pumpkin teal and grab some non-food related treats to hand out. I’m a mom and pediatrician, and my family looks forward to this activity every Halloween.

5 Nut-free treats kids will still go bonkers for

1. Yum Earth

I like the candy brand Yum Earth for nut-free Halloween treats. They prioritize being free of the top eight allergens. (They are also free from gluten, milk, fish, shellfish, egg and soy with no high fructose corn syrup or artificial dyes.)

2. Smarties

Free from peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, milk, eggs, soybean and more.

3. Swedish Fish

Kids love playing with these fish. Plus, they’re free from the top eight allergen.

4. Skittles

Taste the rainbow because it’s free of all nut allergens.

5. Sour Patch Kids

Another popular treat that’s free from the top eight allergens.

9 Non-food Halloween treats

1. Glow sticks or bracelets

Kids and parents love these for the added safety they bring while walking at night.

2. Stickers

These can be used for weeks to come on fun art projects.

3. Spider rings

These fun accessories add spookiness to any Halloween costume. Yes, even the family costumes.

4. Slinkies

Kids get endless entertainment from this classic toy.

5. Bubbles

These can be used and enjoyed year round.

6. Fangs

You don’t have to be a vampire to get a kick out of plastic fangs. Bonus points if they’re glow in the dark.

7. Temporary Tattoos

What child doesn’t love the magic of temporary tattoos? Hand these out for a spooky treat they can enjoy long after the night is over.

8. Bouncy Balls

Not only can these bouncy balls keep your child occupied but they also glow in the dark! Now, that’s the kind of non-food Halloween treats they’ll look forward to.


Okay, I’ve got to admit that nut-free treats and nut-free candy isn’t so bad if houses could get on the bandwagon of giving out cool Halloween-themed bookmarks.

A version of this post was published October 16, 2021. It has been updated.