Home / Health & Wellness / Women's Health Katie Couric gifts a year’s supply of free formula to 111 new moms with breast cancer Mike Coppola/Getty More than 3.8 million women in the US are dealing with breast cancer. By Diva Anwari November 29, 2022 Mike Coppola/Getty Rectangle It’s the season of giving and Katie Couric is off to a head start. In partnership with Bobbie, an organic baby formula company, and The Breasties, a non-profit organization that creates a community for cancer survivors and caregivers, Couric surprised 111 new moms impacted by breast cancer with free formula for one year. Katie Couric, 65, recently opened up about her own cancer diagnosis and now she’s on a mission to help others. Related: Katie Couric reveals she was diagnosed with breast cancer after missing a mammogram She told People, “One of the reasons I wanted to be public about my diagnosis is I know that I have the capability to influence public health in this country and to educate and inform people and arm them with the knowledge they need to live longer lives.” “And not only is it a huge privilege, but also an enormous responsibility,” she adds. “I was really excited and honored to be a part of this initiative by Bobbie to be able to share some really good news with so many of these women who have been through an awful lot, and not only need emotional support but need financial support as well, some of them.” Couric was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2022, but she didn’t reveal her diagnosis until September. She waited until she had a lumpectomy to remove the cancerous tissue and then completed radiation before she shared the news with the public. “When I shared what was going on, I did what I always do,” the mother of two shares. “I did a lot of reporting and tried to find out important information not only for myself, but for other women and men. I did it when I was ready and I thought that was a good time to do it, and so that’s really why I waited.” According to breastcancer.org, more than 3.8 million women have or have had breast cancer diagnoses. Amongst them are new mothers who face several issues feeding their babies because of it. The challenges of new motherhood, and motherhood at every stage, can be overwhelming. To have such a scary diagnosis on top of caring for little ones is a different kind of parenting challenge. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Bobbie (@bobbie) On behalf of Bobbie, Couric gave $25,000 worth of formula to The Breasties. She says, “I think they were just a remarkable group of women. Having children is stressful enough and is a big adjustment and very hard on your body as it is, but [even more difficult] in their situations dealing with cancer diagnoses.” Laura Modi, the CEO of Bobbie, shares, “All of the new mothers we sponsored at least had mastectomies. We did have two people who had a surrogate and we also sponsored them.” That’s not all Modi and Couric have teamed up for. The duo is also starting a petition to change legislative policies surrounding insurance equality and the coverage of formula or donor milk for mothers who have had mastectomies. Public health policy does not currently account for a mother’s physical capabilities when it comes to assessing their needs for formula or donor milk. Related: Katie Couric’s throwback clip proves that progress on maternity leave is slow—but needed Berenice Lopez Leal, one of the moms who will be receiving a year’s supply of free formula, says, “Being selected as a part of the Bobbie Breasties program is one of those ‘worst club, best members’ moments, where I can’t believe I’m fortunate enough to have this level of support amidst such a challenging experience.” Katie Couric is now on a five-year plan for taking aromatase inhibitors, the drug that’s used to prevent breast cancer from coming back. She says she’s “feeling great” and credits it all to medicine and an early diagnosis. The latest News Teen vacation or invoice surprise? Why we need to talk about family trip etiquette News Why pregnant lawmakers deserve remote voting News Mom cries at what special needs toddler brings home from daycare—‘Not okay’ News Grandma gave toddler’s first haircut without asking—how would you handle it?