The 5 health and wellness trends making life easier for moms in 2023

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels
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Now that the calendar has flipped to January, we’re ready for a fresh start. A new year always brings a clean slate. But rather than resolving, wishing and intending to create a better version of ourselves (new year, same you!), we’re working to find solutions that make life a little easier—so we can maximize everyday joy and have more energy for the things and people we love.
From fiber’s fun glow up to early adult bedtimes and palatable prenatals, here are the health and wellness trends we can’t wait to try this year.
2023 health and wellness trends for moms
1. Edible prenatals
For far too long have prenatal vitamins been synonymous with horse pills—a format change is long overdue. Enter edible prenatals, which make your daily supplement ritual much more tolerable. Chewable, powdered and liquid options abound in an effort to banish pill fatigue, which is vital, because let’s be honest, you’ll likely be partnering up with your prenatal both before and long after pregnancy. I love that these options are more nutrient-dense than most gummies… but are still easy to digest for morning sickness sufferers, too.
Related: I’m a nutritionist and these are my 5 favorite prenatal vitamins
2. Cleaner, greener over-the-counter meds
Several brands are taking on the pharmacy aisle with an aim to bring better-for-you ingredients and less reliance on single-use plastic. And given the Children’s Tylenol shortage that started at the end of 2022 (but unfortunately remains ongoing), the child-safe alternatives from Genexa (infants and kids) and Welly (age 12+) are very welcome to parents faced with bare shelves and a feverish child. Both brands can be found online if they’re out of stock in stores.
Related: Can’t find Children’s Tylenol? Here’s how to safely reduce a fever
3. Smarter fertility planning
Thanks to a spate of newcomers in the fertility world, taking a proactive approach to reproductive health and fertility challenges is easier than ever.
Thinking about the future? The Freeze by Co program from Cofertility enables you to freeze your eggs for free when you donate half to another family. If you want to save all your eggs for your own long-term family building possibilities, their Keep program can help arrange for discounted procedures and egg storage options. Either way, they’ll assign you to a cohort of others going through the egg freezing process at the same time so you’ll have small-group support to lean on.
Frame Fertility is aiming to demystify the general concept of fertility—no matter what that might look like for you. After filling out a quick questionnaire about your fertility goals, you’ll be matched with a coach who can meet you where you are (even if that’s just in the curiosity phase), break down simple next steps and help you reach your family building goals. It’s like having a doula to guide you through the process—well before you even sign up for a birth class.
Rescripted, a virtual fertility community, offers posts, podcasts, videos, biweekly virtual support groups and products to help change the conversation around fertility, infertility and pregnancy loss. In search of a video on how to give yourself hormone injections? Have questions before you see a fertility doctor? Looking for recs on the best fertility tracker? Rescripted helps you keep everything in one place, no matter which stage of your fertility journey you’re in. Their digital medication regimen spreadsheet is the Google Sheet we wish we had.
Related: Bookmark these virtual support groups on your TTC journey
4. A fresh take on fiber
If there’s one thing I’d like to get my kids to eat more of, it’d be fiber. As a nutritionist, I can get pretty ramped up talking about roughage and all the benefits dietary fiber bestows. From balancing blood sugar to bulking up stool, lowering cholesterol to providing fuel to your gut microbiome and fending off inflammation, it’s the unsung hero of our daily diet. Thankfully, a few new food brands have popped up to give fiber the glow-up it deserves.
5. Early bedtime—for adults
Nope, I’m not talking about your toddler’s bedtime routine. It’s maybe somewhat silly to consider an adult early bedtime a wellness trend, but hear me out: If we consider the fact that sleep is a key factor not only in mental health but physical health (getting fewer than 6 hours of sleep nightly has been associated with insulin resistance), why wouldn’t we treat our sleep sessions as equivalent to a performance-enhancing drug?
When you can, avoid falling prey to revenge bedtime in favor of hitting the hay soon after your kiddos conk out. Going to bed at 9 p.m. (or, OK, 10 p.m.) is a tradeoff, for sure, but it means you’ll have a more balanced circadian rhythm, which contributes to less fatigue (more energy for those early mornings) and better hormone function. And the trickle-down effects of in-sync hormones equates to positive impacts on your stress response, sex drive and menstrual health, just to name a few.
Related: Science says this is the perfect bedtime for heart health
A version of this story was originally published on Jan. 6, 2023. It has been updated.