Self-Care: Health and Wellness Guide for Moms

Health & Wellness

The ultimate destination for positive mental & physical conditioning for you and your entire family. Because self-care isn’t selfish.


‘Hot Mess Mom’ messaging could be convincing an entire generation to ‘dread motherhood’

Cohen takes on the narrative that we shouldn’t have kids in such a tough world, and that everything will be hard and awful.

December 11, 2023

Motherly Stories

Navigating pregnancy as a survivor: The intersection of trauma and birth

Even though this profound moment, the first moment I saw my baby, was meant to be a celebration, I still couldn't attend.

December 10, 2023


Discovering the truth about Santa not as damaging to kids as you might fear

Rest assured, mama: The majority of kids still place full trust in their parents, one study finds.

December 10, 2023


17 important phrases to say if you’re being mistreated while giving birth

Repeat after us: "You do not have my permission."

Updated October 2, 2024

Women's Health

More than 1 in 3 women have lasting health problems after giving birth, study finds

But that doesn’t mean postpartum complications are normal.

Updated April 16, 2024

Children's Health

How to help your child heal from trauma: 3 steps to start

Like a car revving its engine for days or weeks, excessive activation of the “fight or flight” response leads to long-lasting wear and tear on a child’s developing body. But it is possible to protect kids from the negative effects of trauma or ongoing stress.

December 6, 2023

Children's Health

How to talk to kids about puberty, according to the authors of ‘This Is So Awkward’

Some research shows that puberty is starting earlier—which means we need to prep for those big convos sooner than later. Here’s what to know.

December 3, 2023

Health & Wellness

New report shows daycare centers weren’t Covid transmission hubs after all

Kids were less likely to get the virus at childcare centers than they were from people they lived with, research shows.

December 2, 2023


CDC report validates women who have been reporting mistreatment and birth trauma for years

"The most happy moment in my life is at the same time the most terrible moment in my life because of what they did to me."

November 30, 2023

Children's Health

Soccer heading linked to brain changes, study shows

High levels of heading the ball were associated with changes seen in mild traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

November 29, 2023

Health & Wellness

I tried the Prenuvo scan—and here’s why more moms should consider a preventive MRI

As someone with multiple sclerosis, it’s hard to put a price on peace of mind.

November 29, 2023


Does the pregnancy glow really exist?

Science tells us that glowing during pregnancy isn’t just in your imagination.

November 26, 2023

Children's Health

What to know about having the “tech talk” with your kids

A tech CEO and mom of four shares the importance—and challenge—of doing so.

November 25, 2023

Health & Wellness

Here’s why roughhousing with your kids is good for them—really

All the noise and pummeling can be a little alarming. But lots of research suggests that regular roughhousing sessions make for happier, more successful children.

Updated January 7, 2022