Self-Care: Health and Wellness Guide for Moms

Health & Wellness

The ultimate destination for positive mental & physical conditioning for you and your entire family. Because self-care isn’t selfish.

Motherly Stories

9 charities helping moms

Give the gift of charity to organizations helping moms and families around the world.

Updated November 27, 2023


Pregnancy Hormones and Exercise

Adapt your workout routine when your pregnancy hormones are raging.

December 8, 2016

Getting Pregnant

Why you should strengthen your core *before* getting pregnant

The best time to learn about and connect to the pelvic floor muscles is ideally before pregnancy.

December 2, 2016

Our Partners

9 strategies every parent with an anxious child should try

Try the FEEL Method—freeze, empathize, evaluate—once your child is calm, it’s time to figure out possible solutions. 

November 27, 2016


7 Workout Tools For The New Mom

Space-saving workout gear that won't add to baby's mess.

November 23, 2016

Health & Wellness

Your baby’s first home: Why now is the time to start loving your body

4 mantras to turn negative self-talk into acceptance and love for your body.

November 18, 2016

Getting Pregnant

Want to get pregnant? Try an orgasm

Yes, it is true: regular, orgasmic sex can improve your odds of getting pregnant.

November 14, 2016

Health & Wellness

How to Cope with Zika Stress

Why Zika can be dangerous even if you aren’t at risk.

November 9, 2016


6 OB-GYN-approved strategies to get pregnant fast

Because when you decide to get pregnant, you want it to happen as quickly as possible.

November 2, 2016

Health & Wellness

Prenatal exercise is good for fertility! What to do + what to avoid when TTC + pregnant

Men and women who exercise moderately have higher fertility rates than those who don’t.

October 31, 2016


Playground Workout

11 easy exercises moms can do at the playground

October 27, 2016

Health & Wellness

Cod Liver Oil for Your Fertility

Why you should take cod liver oil if you’re trying to conceive

October 24, 2016


5 Babywearing Strength Exercises

Muscle-building while babywearing with our friends at BYOB.

October 6, 2016


How to Make Mama Me-Time

5 tips on making time for yourself from the founder of Solly Baby.

October 3, 2016


How to Work Out with a Stroller

Stroll into a postpartum fitness routine.

September 29, 2016


A fragile life: What my son’s medical procedure taught me

What I learned from my son’s tonsillectomy. 

September 28, 2016

Health & Wellness

Can Coconut Oil Help Your Fertility?

4 health benefits of coconut oil that can help you get pregnant.

September 28, 2016


5 Exercises to Treat Pregnancy Pain

Make your pregnancy more comfortable with these easy moves.

September 19, 2016