It's Science - Expert-Backed Research For Families - Motherly

It’s Science

From breastmilk to brain development, researchers are making huge strides in understanding the science of motherhood. Get the scoop at Motherly.

It's Science

The science behind why your baby stops crying when you stand up

A fascinating study explains the phenomenon.


Discovering the truth about Santa not as damaging to kids as you might fear

Rest assured, mama: The majority of kids still place full trust in their parents, one study finds.

Health & Wellness

Breathing in highway air pollution raises your blood pressure, study shows

HEPA car air filters are the new must-have for commuters.

Health & Wellness

Here’s why roughhousing with your kids is good for them—really

All the noise and pummeling can be a little alarming. But lots of research suggests that regular roughhousing sessions make for happier, more successful children.

Women's Health

Paid family leave has big health benefits for mothers and babies, study shows

From reducing postpartum depression to improving breastfeeding duration, new research confirms just how vital paid leave is for families.

It's Science

Swapping beef for chicken in your burrito can have big benefits for the environment, study shows

Simple diet tweaks can mean big reductions in your carbon footprint.

Health & Wellness

A special toothpaste could ease peanut allergies for adults

Immunotherapy toothpaste could be available for kids one day, too.

Children's Health

School suspensions harms kids’ grades and their health, large study shows

Experts say suspensions should be considered “adverse childhood experiences,” because they put students at greater risk for chronic illnesses and mental health conditions.

Women's Health

Periods cause changes in your brain architecture, landmark study shows

A small study shows that there’s a physiological link between hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle and changes in white and gray matter.

Grandparents & Extended Families

Study finds grandparent support may not significantly improve maternal mental health

But the grandparent-child relationship has big benefits in other ways.

Children's Health

Study shows mindfulness apps can reduce kids’ stress

Mindfulness training at home helped reduce kids' stress levels and negative emotions.
