It's Science - Expert-Backed Research For Families - Motherly

It’s Science

From breastmilk to brain development, researchers are making huge strides in understanding the science of motherhood. Get the scoop at Motherly.

Health & Wellness

Giving some formula doesn’t interfere with breastfeeding for newborns, says study

It doesn’t have to be all or nothing when it comes to breastfeeding. 

March 15, 2018

It's Science

It’s science: Encouraging curiosity helps your children find future success

Intellectual curiosity rivals IQ as a predictor of academic success, says one study.

March 14, 2018

It's Science

Science reveals baby poop is changing—here’s why it matters

It could have to do with why more kids are having asthma and allergies. 

March 14, 2018

It's Science

Babies hit *peak* cuteness at 6 months old, study says

Though many mamas never stop wondering if our kids can get any cuter, because, somehow, they do it every day.

March 13, 2018

Baby Health

There are major health benefits when baby looks just like dad, says study

They had fewer emergency room visits and were less likely to suffer from asthma + illness, according to findings.

March 12, 2018

It's Science

Moms who get breastfeeding support may avoid postpartum depression—new study reveals

Feeding babies is so hard, but support can make it—and the whole postpartum period—a lot easier.

February 22, 2018

It's Science

It’s science: Dad’s stress levels at conception may affect baby’s brain development

Taking time to destress today could help both dad and baby.

February 20, 2018

It's Science

It’s science: Exercising during pregnancy has lasting benefits for you + your baby

Regular exercise while pregnant is linked to lower birth weight and a reduced risk of gestational diabetes.

February 14, 2018

It's Science

It’s science: Being sensitive to your baby’s cues leads to a more secure attachment

A parent’s level of sensitivity to baby’s signals can be an important predictor of healthy infant-parent attachment. 

February 13, 2018

It's Science

It’s science: Exhausted mamas should sleep in and skip the gym

The experts agree that zzzs should come first.

February 7, 2018

Health & Wellness

It’s science: Kids whine for a (very good) reason

Remind yourself, “This whine is an urgent request for a resource or comfort.”

January 26, 2018

It's Science

It’s science: Having brothers helps you become a better person

The relationship with brothers sure is special—research proves it.

January 26, 2018

Health & Wellness

8 psychologist-backed tips for improving communication with kids

Good communication with you forms the basis of good communication with other people as your child grows into an adult.

January 22, 2018

It's Science

It’s science: Having sisters helps you become a better person

“Sisters play a role in promoting positive mental health.”

Updated January 22, 2018

It's Science

7 science-backed ways to have a happier + healthier marriage

Marriages can go through tough times, but they can often be repaired more easily than you think.

January 22, 2018


Mama, forgetting small details helps you remember the bigger stuff, says study

Your bad memory is not a *bad* thing after all. 

January 18, 2018