15 must-try sex toys for yourself (or with a partner)

From G-spot and clit sensations, there's something for everyone.
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If one could drop dead of embarrassment, I’d have been six feet under the day my daughter marched into my office belting out Let It Go into a vibrator. “Mama! I love this funny microphone! It wiggles!” would have been the last words I ever heard. (Clearly my sex toy game was better than my sex toy hiding game. But I digress.) I flew across the room Neo-style to snatch it out of her hand, and asked if she’d like to go out for ice cream before tucking it back in my bedside drawer. (That “talk” could come later.)
But when it comes to talking with adults, I could talk about sex toys for days. I mean, there’s a reason sex toy parties are a thing. Once you get past the awkwardness, it’s just fun. And maybe it’s the company I keep, but every girls night ends up on the topic at some point. There’s good reason to dish about what you like! After all, pleasure, alone or with a partner is one of the best ways to de-stress, relax, and connect. I’d even argue that orgasms can be a powerful form of self-care. And while you might not necessarily need an object to make it enjoyable, the addition of vibrators or sex toys definitely ups the ante. (Also, no shame if you do.)
Related: What I didn’t know about CBD & sex (but I’m so glad I do now)
As a commerce editor in the women’s lifestyle space who has no qualms putting at least a small amount of my personal business on the streets, I’ll tell you that I’ve personally tested most of the options on this list. In fact, I recently took time to organize the aforementioned bedside drawer which had unwittingly become just a clown car of vibrators. The array of colorful, whimsically-shaped silicone was just staggering. (And the charging cord situation is a complete and total nightmare. Can we not come up with a universal system already?) So let’s make good use of my research.
I’ve rounded up some of my personal favorites along with others that come highly recommended by friends who’ve definitely talked sex toys with me at length because that’s just who we are.
Must-try sex toys to help you stay connected with your partner and yourself:
A version of this story was published June 11, 2020. It has been updated.