Many believe that only long-distance running yields significant health benefits, but this isn’t the case. We’ve got motivation to lace up your running shoes: Surprisingly, even short runs can reduce your risk of death and improve your overall health.

To reiterate: You don’t need to commit to intensive programs like Couch to 5K to enjoy the advantages of running. A short run is all you need. Can only manage one lap around the block? No problem, mama. (Plus, there are a ton of cute accessories to support a semi-runner lifestyle—especially if your little one is along for the haul.)

Short runs are also highly practical for those with busy lifestyles. They can easily be integrated into daily routines without the need for extensive time commitments. Even if you only have five to 10 minutes a day to lace up your HOKAs, a daily jog can lower your risk for death from all causes. Specifically, a 2019 study said that any length of running can slash your risk of mortality from cardiovascular causes by 27% and cancer by 23%.

Moreover, short-duration running helps in building a consistent exercise habit, which is crucial for long-term health benefits. It’s a way to gradually increase fitness levels without the risk of overexertion or injury that can come with longer, more intense sessions.

Worried about your pace? It’s not as critical as you might think. What’s important is that you’re making the effort. Light jogging around 6 miles per hour (a 10-minute mile) is associated with greater longevity compared to more intense running. If you can keep a conversation going while you’re jogging, that may be the perfect “slow” speed. (It also may help in maintaining proper form and preventing injuries… an added boon.)

Beyond physical benefits, running offers mental health advantages. A recent study in the “Journal of Affective Disorders” suggests that running can be as effective as an antidepressant in improving mood and mental well-being. Running can also be a communal activity with social benefits. Joining a running group or partnering with a friend for short runs can foster social connections and provide motivation and accountability. 

Ready to go? Remember that the key to reaping the benefits of running is consistency, not speed. In other words, sticking with it—even if you’re only jogging for a few minutes—is what gives you the results.