Family Fitness - Workout Tips & Advice From Real Mamas - Motherly


Feel your best, inside and out! Motherly’s family fitness guide has fun, body-positive exercise ideas to get the whole family moving.


Ready to start postpartum exercise? Try these 3 simple moves

Back-to-back pregnancies had taken a major toll on my body. Here’s how I eased into exercise after birth.

Updated May 30, 2023


6 easy postpartum yoga poses for birth recovery

Yoga is a low-pressure way to fit in some self-care amidst the demands of new motherhood.

May 4, 2023


Are ab workouts safe during pregnancy?

DWTS' Lindsay Arnold shares 4 safe core moves to try in any trimester.

March 13, 2023


How to make time for exercise when you’re a busy mom

It's not uncommon for us moms to put our needs on hold when we have children. But physical activity is no luxury—it’s a health necessity.

Updated December 29, 2023


I’ve had 4 tough pregnancies. Of all things, Jazzercise kept me going

Jazzercise has been the steady throughline that helped me navigate the ups-and-downs of all of my pregnancies.

January 12, 2023

Labor & Delivery

Try these 4 yoga poses to induce labor—safely

Ready to get things moving? Experts say these yoga poses can help.

November 2, 2022


4 postpartum barre workout moves for new mamas

After you’ve consulted with your physician and received their approval to start up a fitness routine, here are 4 moves to get you started.

October 17, 2022

Our Partners

I desperately needed a prenatal workout to prepare for childbirth and beyond

I found it with Nike’s (M)ove Like a Mother Program in the NTC App

August 10, 2022

Motherly Stories

6 unexpected ways pole-dancing class empowered me to love my body

How an ex stripper taught me to stop being so hard on my body and myself.

July 12, 2022


5 Pilates moves that are safe for postpartum

The right moves can boost circulation and promote healing after birth.

Updated April 4, 2022


The Bloom Method takes the mystery out of prenatal and postnatal exercise

This is so much more than just a way to workout.

December 15, 2021


We’re thinking about diastasis recti all wrong, an expert tells us

And it may even be possible to prevent injury-based diastasis recti in pregnancy, the founder of Studio Bloom and The Bloom Method shares.

Updated June 6, 2023

Health & Wellness

9 safe and simple pregnancy exercises for each trimester

Exercising during pregnancy can have big benefits for both you and baby. Here's what to do—and what to avoid.

Updated September 28, 2021


How should I modify my workouts while pregnant?

According to a personal trainer.

June 22, 2021


These fun TikTok exercises will get you moving

Goodbye #quarantine15.

November 17, 2020

Getting Pregnant

Can too much exercise make it harder to get pregnant?

Keep your exercise routine going without impacting your fertility.

Updated November 14, 2022