Get Started on Getting Pregnant - Motherly

Getting Pregnant

Trying to get pregnant? Our expert-backed guidance will help you prepare both mentally and physically.


Music to make love by: a Spotify baby-making playlist

It’s time to spice things up in the bedroom. That means John Legend and Norah Jones will be joining you STAT. 

November 15, 2016

Getting Pregnant

I’m ready for a baby, he’s not (yet)—7 steps to talk through it together

It can be frustrating—and maybe scary—when you’re ready to take the leap and he’s not. Here are 7 strategies to help.

November 14, 2016

Getting Pregnant

Want to get pregnant? Try an orgasm

Yes, it is true: regular, orgasmic sex can improve your odds of getting pregnant.

November 14, 2016


6 OB-GYN-approved strategies to get pregnant fast

Because when you decide to get pregnant, you want it to happen as quickly as possible.

November 2, 2016


9 essential questions to ask at your preconception checkup

Here's a printable discussion guide to bring to your OB-GYN or midwife.  

Updated January 4, 2023

Getting Pregnant

Infertility from a Dad’s Point of View

How it feels to be a man struggling to get his partner pregnant.

October 31, 2016


What is the two-week wait? An OB-GYN shares what you need to know

Conception, fertilization, implantation: Our OB-GYN explains the biology of early pregnancy and your baby.

Updated November 28, 2022


Are you ever ‘ready’ to have a baby?

Motherhood isn’t about getting ready. Motherhood makes you ready as you live it.

October 21, 2016


Talking to a Friend About Her Infertility

Tips and advice for supporting a friend or loved one through infertility

September 21, 2016

Getting Pregnant

Tracking Your Fertility Could Help You Get Pregnant Faster

4 tips to help you get started on the road to pregnancy.

August 16, 2016


Coping with secondary infertility: 5 steps to take

What to do when you have trouble getting pregnant the second time around.

Updated January 5, 2022


Walking alongside a friend when she loses her baby

What do you say when nothing you say will fix it?

May 17, 2016

Miscarriage & Loss

The grief of due dates—remembering my miscarried baby

“It’s a really big club, but one I’d hoped you would never have had to join.”

May 10, 2016

Getting Pregnant

Porn Does Not Teach You How to Get Pregnant.

How even being a “Curator of Sex” didn’t prepare me for birth and motherhood.

May 9, 2016


5 Things I Wish I’d Known About Infertility

HAVEABABY's filmmaker reveals her personal struggle with infertility.

April 28, 2016

Getting Pregnant

The Truth about Men’s Infertility

7 simple changes men can make to improve fertility.

April 12, 2016

Getting Pregnant

5 facts every woman trying to have a baby should know

1. The overwhelming majority of women will be able to get pregnant

March 27, 2016

Getting Pregnant

Hey, Dad: Fertility is for men, too. Here are 5 ways you can help

Researchers are increasingly finding that a man’s health has a direct impact on his ability to make healthy babies.

March 18, 2016