Family Nutrition - Science-Backed Tips & Advice - Motherly


Support your well-being and make healthful choices with Motherly’s family nutrition guide, filled with science-backed guidance and recipes.


No need to hide the Halloween candy—here’s what to do instead

Here's how to avoid the common Halloween candy mistakes many parents make.

Updated October 4, 2023


A nutritionist’s guide to the best foods for pregnancy, from the early days to the third trimester

There's a lot of advice out there on what you *can't* eat during pregnancy. Here's what you can eat.

Updated March 20, 2023

Child Nutrition

7 ways to help your kids form a healthy relationship with food

As an eating disorders therapist and mom, I'm teaching my son there are no "bad" foods.

Updated June 11, 2024

Women's Health

The FDA’s new definition of ‘healthy’ could make grocery shopping easier

The goal of the new proposal is to make nutrition labels easier to navigate for busy shoppers.

September 29, 2022


9 types of foods to fuel brain development from a pediatric dietitian

From iron to Omega-3 fatty acids, here's what nutrient-rich foods your child can eat to help support their developing brain.

September 10, 2022


Can food influence your child’s mood? Yes, says a pediatric dietitian

She shares tips on how to work those good-mood foods into your weekly meal plan.

September 7, 2022

It's Science

2 major studies show drinking coffee *is* good for you

Go ahead and pour yourself that second cup, mama.

Updated September 27, 2024


8 brain-developing foods even your pickiest eater will love

No more food fights with these yummy options.

Updated January 3, 2023

It's Science

It’s Science: Taking a vitamin C supplement may put you in the mood

One study shows vitamin C may increase the frequency of a certain type of sexual activity.

May 27, 2022


A new study shows vegetarian diets are healthy for most kids

Results from a study of nearly 9,000 kids shows that kids who follow vegetarian diets have similar growth to those who eat meat, but proper planning is important.

May 9, 2022

Health & Wellness

It’s Science: Kids who eat more fruit and veggies have better mental health

Plus, here’s how to maintain your sanity while trying to feed them.

January 4, 2022

Health & Wellness

Your morning coffee could be making your anxiety worse

Not to be the bearer of bad news, but… here are other energy boosters to try.

December 2, 2021


8 ways to maintain mindful eating during the busy holiday season

Keep healthy habits going, even when you're overwhelmed.

November 12, 2021

Baby Health

Toxic heavy metals are *still* present in baby food: What you need to know

A new congressional report exposes the inaction of certain baby food companies.

October 1, 2021


Even a little coffee during pregnancy can impact your baby’s birth weight, says study

Here's what moms need to know about the latest research on caffeine, moms and babies.

September 28, 2021