5 easy changes that dramatically reduce toddler tantrums

5. Provide fewer toys, each with a clear place
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Toddlers are adorable, hilarious and can be so sweet. So why is it that they get such a bad wrap? They’re also strong-willed , resist anyone trying to control them and can throw the most epic tantrums (almost as if they don’t care that everyone in the grocery store is staring at you).
These tantrums are frequently about the basics—they’re hungry, tired or sick, but are unable to identify, much less express, what they need at that moment.
If those basic needs are met, though, tantrums are often about control. Making some simple tweaks to your home can give your child more of a sense of control and autonomy that can extend away from home.
This takes some time up front, but so much less time and energy than daily power struggles and the resulting tantrums.