15 kids shoes that will help you get out the door faster

If watching your child tie their shoelaces requires a serious act of patience (or they simply haven't learned yet) these slip-on shoes will make your get-up-and-go routine so much easier.
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Let’s face facts: kids are slow as tortoises when it comes to leaving the house. If shoelaces serve as a major roadblock to your get-out-the-door-in-one-piece routine, look no further than the kids slip on shoes we’ve found below.
Whether you’re the one tying shoelaces, or your child has just mastered the act themselves (but paint dries faster), or they’re simply not interested yet (everyone learns at their own pace, after all), kids shoes that easily slip on make what can be a potentially chaotic act of simply leaving the house just a little bit easier. We also love the idea of putting on slip-on shoes because it’s an act your child can do on their own without a parent or caregiver’s help. A little independence goes a long way, especially if your child is in the midst of their “I can do it myself! ” phase.
Now, if the reason you’re waiting on your toddler is because they’re deciding what favorite stuffed animal to bring with them, sorry, but we can’t help you there.
Check out these adorable kids shoes and say hello to an easier time leaving the house:
Best Slip On Shoes For Kids
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