12 innovative products that make meals less stressful for moms

Here are our favorite products that help picky eaters be, well, less picky.
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Mealtime can be one of the most stressful times for parents and kids, especially when there’s a picky eater in the house. Your little might get anxious about their food touching, requesting a completely new meal. Or, they might avoid the foods altogether, leaving you concerned about their nutrition. While helping your child develop healthy eating habits is the ultimate goal, you can also incorporate products that will make mealtime more fun for everyone involved.
How to help picky eaters
If your little one is picky, don’t panic! It’s a common phase, and like most kid phases, it will pass. According to occupational therapist Ashely Thurn, “Find peace just in the fact that picky eating is a normal phase that toddlers go through. A nurturing and accepting caregiver is the key to helping them pass through this phase so that it doesn’t snowball into a bigger problem.” That’s you! You’re nurturing! You’re accepting! (You’re probably also frustrated and kind of grumpy about it sometimes, but that’s totally fair too.)
We’ve rounded up a collection of products that can help make mealtimes with picky eaters a little less stressful, and possibly even less picky over time. As a parent, you have to find the balance of picking your battles, and if serving food in a divided toddler plate means they’ll eat happily, so be it. Of course, if you’re concerned their pickiness is a sign of something beyond typical toddler behavior, definitely bring it up with your pediatrician.
Here are our favorite products that help picky eaters be a little more agreeable and a bit more adventurous as well!