Have your kids seen all the Marvel movies? If so, let us guess: Their favorite superhero is Captain America (aka Chris Evans—he’s a fan favorite!). Captain America is strong, smart, brave—we could go on.

If your little superheroes are obsessed with all things Captain America, have them color in their favorite superhero’s costume with their favorite colors and own creativity. These Captain America coloring pages might help them start to fight crime in your own house (crime being the dishes, cleaning their rooms and picking up their toys).

Here are some epic Captain America coloring pages for your kids!

1. Captain America is ready for battle on this coloring page

If your kids want a classic picture of Captain America on their wall to motivate them every morning, this picture will be perfect for them. There are some thin lines in this picture, making it a bit intricate, so maybe best for older kids.

avengers captain america coloring page - Motherly

2. Captain America throwing his shield coloring page

If your kids are looking for an action shot of Captain America, this intense picture of him throwing his shield will work! Again, this picture may be a little advanced, due to the thin lines.

3. Captain America’s shield coloring page

Your little ones deserve some love too! Give your younger kids this simple picture of Captain America’s shield to color! It’s very basic with very clear lines and big spaces, so your kids will have an easy time with this one.

Related: 13 cute coloring pages for kids

4. Lego Captain America coloring page

If your kids are also obsessed with Legos, this picture is a perfect storm. This picture is of Captain America in Lego-form, and the simplicity of the Lego-form will probably make it easy for your younger ones, but also enjoyable for your older kids too!

5. Cute cartoon Captain America coloring page

This cute little picture of Captain America will bring a totally new perspective to the character! This cute cartoon Captain America will be easy and fun for your little ones.

Related: 11 dinosaur coloring pages that’ll make your kids go, “Rawr!”

6. Avengers with Captain America coloring page

If your kids aren’t only obsessed with Captain America, but all of the Avengers, they will love this picture. This coloring page is definitely a bit more intricate and detailed, so it will be better for your older kids.

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7. Captain America running coloring page

Your kids will never get enough of the action shots, so here is another intense picture of Captain America running into battle. This picture also may be a little more detailed, so your older kids will like this one.

8. Steve Rogers coloring page

If your kids are also interested in Captain America’s alter-ego, Steve Rogers, they’ll like this picture. And as a bonus, you can have a nice picture of Chris Evans when they are done. This picture has very clear lines and spaces, so your younger kids will like this one, as well as older kids.

9. Captain America fighting coloring page

Nothing is better than an actual picture of Captain America fighting crime. Your older kids will love this battle scene!

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10. Captain America punching coloring page

When your kids ask for more action shots, we deliver. This is a pretty easy and clear picture of Captain America about to throw an epic punch.

Related: 12 totally baller basketball coloring pages

11. Captain America attack coloring page

Here’s one more coloring page for your little superheroes! This picture is of Captain America about to attack, and it is clear enough that your could give it to your younger kids, as well as your older kids.

Now, quick! Print these coloring pages, get some crayons and markers, and go fight some crime!