Whether you’ve got personal loan debt, school loan debt, credit card debt or any other kind of debt, it is NOT a fun position to be in. Paying off debt can be incredibly hard. Everyone’s circumstances are different. But, one thing everyone is looking for is how to get out of debt (and stay out).

A TikTok video is gaining a lot of attention because it features what not to do to get out of debt. Paige is a spending coach and shares financial advice, consumer debt advice and so much more money-related content on TikTok. Her video about things you shouldn’t do if you’re in debt is going viral for the practical tips she gives.

@overcoming_overspending If you’re currently in debt, I guarantee you’re doing at least one of these. 😲💳😲💳 #creditcarddebt #studentloandebt #debtfreejourney #overspender #impulseshoppingproblems #debt #shoppingaddict #compulsivespending #compulsiveshopper #viralpost #explorepage #debtfeee ♬ original sound – Paige | Spending Coach

“Helping people pay off debt and stay out of debt is something that I do on a daily basis,” she explains, “And these are huge mistakes that I see people making.”

Her first tip is about coming to the realization that your debt has nothing to do with your morality. It is neutral and separate, all on its own. “The more that we attach our debt and our morality, the harder it becomes and the longer it takes to pay it off because it’s going to make it feel heavier, it’s going to be more burdensome and it’s going to create more shame.”

Raise your hand if you feel seen! Debt can bring a lot of heavy feelings which can make the process of paying off debt so much harder. Having a foundation for emotional intelligence is so important and this is just one reason why.

Her second point is about processing your feelings about it—specifically any shame you’re carrying. You can spiral in the shame or you can allow yourself to feel it and let it go. So, it’s not about what you’re feeling, your feelings are valid, it’s more so about how you choose to respond to those feelings. She also calls out that this is the one emotion she sees in her clients the most.

Shame can be a very unproductive emotion, Paige says, because if you are overwhelmed by it, it can be the thing that causes you to go further into debt. This is one of her biggest “what not to do to get out of debt” tips.

And number three, “Never delay your happiness until after you’ve become debt free.” As the spending coach explains, this tip encompasses all emotions. So, don’t delay your happiness, security, safety—whatever it may be that you’re putting off until after you’re done paying off debt. Yes, paying off debt will feel great but it doesn’t mean that it will magically make you feel better about anything you felt you had to put off because of it.

With over 600k views, her tips resonated with a lot of people. The comment section is filled with people who agree.

“Yes! The guilt and shame are so heavy.”

“Such a critical message. #shameisagoalkiller”

“I’ve NEVER heard anyone talk about the morality of debt. THANK YOU.”