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It’s go time, mama! Whether you’re counting down the days or trying to plan ahead, learn more about giving birth with advice and essays from real mamas.
How does melatonin affect labor? Researchers are finding out.
These viral photos and videos tell the stories of birth and strength.
I am a proud mom of five, two of whom I have given birth to.
2. Every birth is different.
Here's what happened.
You might feel more cramping after birth—but also more confidence.
This bright kitchen spice has powerful health benefits.
"You're gonna do great!"
I wish someone had warned me about postpartum shaking.
At the end of it all, we are home safe and healthy, which is exactly what my birth plan was.
According to ACOG, nitrous oxide "reduces anxiety and increases a feeling of well-being so that pain is easier to deal with."
Repeat after us: "You do not have my permission."