6 of the best scooters for toddlers

Is your kiddo ready for a scooter? We've got some safe and smooth-riding options for their first set of wheels.
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Now that the weather has perked up and your little one is on the move, perhaps it’s time to think about their mode of transportation? We love a balance bike in preparation for learning to ride a bike, but if they’re not quite there or up for another similar challenge, scooters are a great choice for your toddler’s first set of wheels.
When can you introduce a scooter for toddlers?
Generally speaking, your toddler is ready for a scooter when they are able to walk smoothly and with a steady gait. And since motor skills can differ, your child’s physical ability will be the best indicator of scooter readiness (though you’ll find this usually falls within the 2 to 3-year-old age range).
Aside from the obvious fun factor, scooting also has many benefits for toddlers, from motor skill and muscle development to coordination and decision-making skills. Now that spring is here and we’re able to spend more time outside (which has its own set of benefits), perhaps scooting will be on the agenda? Who knows, you might want to go for a scoot with your little one, too, just to keep up. But don’t forget your toddler’s helmet (and your own)!
Ready to ride? Here are 10 of the best scooters for toddlers we’ve found.
Scooters For Toddlers
And check out Motherly’s Digital Classes.
A version of this story was published April 8, 2021. It has beeen updated.