The ultimate back-to-school shopping list for busy moms

CasarsaGuru / Getty
Use this list to prep for the best first day ever!
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After spending a summer reconnecting with friends and family, enjoying the outdoors and (hopefully!) making time for vacation, it’s time for kids to head back to school. They’re ready to learn, grow and get out of your hair again! But they’ll need some help to get there. Before the exciting first day of school, you’ll need to get all the gear (think backpacks, pens, new clothes) together to make school a success.
There’s a good chance your child’s school will send along a list of specifics, but if you’re looking to get a jump on things, use this basic but essential school supply list to find everything your little ones need for their classes—even on a budget.
A version of this story was published September 7, 2021. It has been updated.