
Your guide to baby milestones

From baby’s first smile to first steps, we’re here to help you track and celebrate those milestones, both mini and major. Read up on expert-based advice for boosting your child’s development through play, plus essays about savoring every moment of your little one’s magical first year.

mom holding baby's head in her palms, celebrating 1-month milestones

1-month-old baby milestones

At 1 month old, your baby is still getting the hang of life "on the outside." Still in the thick of the fourth trimester, they are comforted by touch and the sound of your voice.

Updated Apr. 17, 2023
cute baby laying on its stomach and making sustained eye contact, one of the 2-month milestones

2-month-old baby milestones

Your 2-month-old may be working on opening and shutting their hands—and might soon be able to hold and shake toys like a rattle.

Updated Apr. 17, 2023
mom kissing baby's toes in celebration of 3 month milestones

3-month-old baby milestones

Your little one is now more alert and awake—and discovering their world.

Updated Apr. 17, 2023
happy bald baby doing tummy time - 4 month milestones

4-month-old baby milestones

Your little love is learning constantly—whether you two are on a walk around the block, snuggling up at bedtime or reading together.

Updated Apr. 17, 2023
cute baby laying on back and reaching towards mama, one of the 5 month milestones

5-month-old baby milestones

While every baby is different, of course, babies at this age may start to follow more regular sleep patterns.

Updated Apr. 17, 2023
cute baby holding stuffed animal

6-month-old baby milestones

From baby’s first smile to first steps, we’re here to help you…

Updated Apr. 17, 2023
baby grabbing toes, one of the 7-month developmental milestones for baby

7-month-old baby milestones

Although your baby may not be on the move quite yet, now's the perfect time to start babyproofing.

Updated Apr. 18, 2023
baby peeking around the corner crawling, one of the 8-month milestones for baby

8-month-old baby milestones

Help your little one establish some healthy "downtime" practices by reading, letting them play independently, going on afternoon walks.

Updated Apr. 18, 2023
baby kissing moms face - 9-month milestones for baby

9-month-old baby milestones

Your 9-month-old is really starting to become their own person—with their own (strong!) feelings, wants and needs.

Updated Apr. 18, 2023
baby crawling towards balloon, one of the 10-month milestones

10-month-old baby milestones

Your busy babe is on the move, which means you're likely baby-proofing everything in sight.

Updated Apr. 18, 2023
happy child sitting on the sidewalk - 11-month milestones

11-month-old baby milestones

Your baby's on the move—and that newfound mobility means they might be getting into things. A lot of things.

Updated Apr. 18, 2023
baby walking with help, one of the more common 12-month milestones

12-month-old baby milestones

Your newly minted toddler is busy these days—but be sure to take some time to reflect on the milestones you've reached, too, right alongside your little one.

Updated Apr. 18, 2023

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Gen Z mom’s powerful message is changing how the world sees Down syndrome

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This baby’s comfort taps might be the most powerful thing you see today

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Mom playing with baby

Baby’s viral ‘monster growl’ teaches us how play builds language skills

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baby eating solid foods - starting solids, flavor window - Motherly

Starting solids? Don’t miss the ‘flavor window’

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newborn baby sleeping on moms shoulder - baby health in first year

The first year: Your baby’s health from A to Z

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one year old boy crawling on floor- guide to baby weight by month

The first 12 months: Your baby’s growth and weight

So much can change from month to month. Here’s what you can expect.

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toddler baby boy walking away - 18-month-old weight

18-month-old health & growth guide

Alexa, play “Dancing on My Own.”

Updated Jun. 08, 2023
mom teaches baby to walk on the bed - 15-month-old weight

15-month-old health & growth guide

All those big feelings you've been forewarned about? Now may be a good time to incorporate some baby sign language.

Updated Jun. 08, 2023
cute toddler crawling on bed - 2-year-old milestones

2-year-old milestones

Your toddler loves pushing buttons at this stage (literally and figuratively!).

Updated Jun. 08, 2023
smiling toddler climbing up an indoor slide - 18-month milestones

18-month-old milestones

Your little gymnast can climb on and off the couch or chair—all without your help.

Updated Jun. 26, 2023
toddler girl playing at park - 15-month milestones

15-month-old milestones

This month, you might be on walking alert—watching for those tentative first steps.

Updated Jun. 26, 2023
baby playing on bed - baby milestones by month

Baby milestones by month: A parents’ guide to tracking your child’s development in the first year

From rolling over to those first steps, here’s what to know about your baby’s development each month.

Updated Jun. 23, 2023
baby practicing walking with parents - 12-month-old baby weight

12-month-old baby health & growth guide

And suddenly, you have a toddler.

Updated Apr. 18, 2023
mom smiling and playing with 11-month-old baby - 11-month-old baby weight

11-month-old baby health & growth guide

Your growing 11-month-old is finding their footing (literally).

Updated Apr. 18, 2023
10-month-old baby sitting up in bed - 10-month-old baby weight

10-month-old baby health & growth guide

This month, show baby that rest time is just as important as playtime.

Updated Apr. 28, 2023
baby playing on bed with mother - 9-month-old baby weight

9-month-old baby health & growth guide

Now’s a perfect time to start incorporating baby into your family mealtime rituals.

Updated Apr. 18, 2023