How much and how often should baby eat? Our expert-backed feeding schedules dive into the details, from the early weeks to starting solids.
Initially, COVID restrictions wouldn't allow nursing athletes to bring their babies to the games.
We simply do not know other people's stories, and to judge them for making decisions that are different than our own is not only unfair, it's mean.
One day you'll need more than breastmilk to comfort you. One day I'll need to carry snacks and water everywhere we go. One day you'll toss and turn at night and for whatever reason, nursing you to sleep won't work its magic as it does now.
Less time making bottles, more time snuggling.
These expert lactation tips can help boost milk supply and jumpstart the breastfeeding process.
Breastfeeding is remarkable—and challenging.
Your baby's first three years are critical for brain development.
The model welcomed Sylvester Apollo Bear on March 8.
All my children were bottle fed, and I was very unprepared for it.
Number 14—Your baby is having a growth spurt.
Are you ready to feel seen, mama?
#3: That you can eat whatever you want.
"I am sleeping better at night and worrying a little less."
The advise is trending on the internet—but is it a good idea?
Because there's more than one way to feed a baby.
Another reason we *must* increase the support and education we give pregnant people and new parents around feeding their babies.
She's pumping in public at a time when 61% of Americans think that's unacceptable.
Here's where Black moms can get support for their breastfeeding journey.