Home / Vienna Pharaon
Vienna is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of New York, practicing out of New York City with Mindful Marriage & Family Therapy. Vienna trained extensively while in Chicago at The Family Institute, Bette D. Harris Center out of Northwestern University. There she treated individuals, couples, and families in a clinic setting. Vienna also received training at Family Focus, a community outreach program, providing community-, home-, and clinic-based therapeutic services for individuals and families.
Being a great parent means we find ways to honor our other parts.
Anger is information.
That means we have to start getting real—with ourselves and our partners.
Conflict is one of the greatest gateways to deep connection, intimacy and healing.
For something that can connect people, technology can also lead to disconnect in relationships.
Creating big change can be tough for anyone, but having a supportive and loving partner is key.
Have the courage to ask to be heard, and lean towards each other through the process.