Tunde Wackman, Author at Motherly

Tunde Wackman

Tunde is a wife, mother to two amazing (and outspoken) girls and the brand partnership manager at Motherly. She is also an avid traveler, reader, knitter and a total coffee addict.


All the reasons why I love my mother-in-law

It’s time we pay some tribute to some unsung heroines in our…


What it’s *really* like trying to clean with kids around

Dumping ALL the Legos in the middle of the living room floor after I just finished vacuuming. Check.


My favorite part of the day is when I get to sit and read with my kids

Reading is our daily escape to a magical world—together.


To the mama who’s done having babies

It’s normal to feel confident *and* sad about your decision.

Motherly Stories

I want to raise my kids to love giving as much as receiving

I feel it is my duty as a mother to raise grateful, compassionate and generous kids.

Career & Money

Working makes *me* such a better mom

I feel more balanced as a person because working helps me maintain my own identity.

Motherly Stories

A letter to the woman I was before kids

You don’t realize it, but trust me, you are doing amazing.

Baby Milestones

To the mama about to send her child to daycare for the first time

From a mom who’s been there, I want to tell you that it is going to be okay.


From one mama of an anxious child to another—here’s how we cope

Communicate when there’s a change in routine—and leave enough time to process


Why I’m not rescuing my kids from failure

I wouldn’t be teaching them anything by trying to protect them from failures at every turn.


To the mama doing SO much she feels like she’s failing at everything—I see you

You show up. EVERY. DAY. No one else can do a better job at providing motherly love than you.


The things I wish my husband knew I needed

I know you’re not a magician and you can’t always know what I need, so I promise to let you know what’s going on inside my head. 
