Home / Tunde Wackman
Tunde is a wife, mother to two amazing (and outspoken) girls and the brand partnership manager at Motherly. She is also an avid traveler, reader, knitter and a total coffee addict.
It’s time we pay some tribute to some unsung heroines in our…
Dumping ALL the Legos in the middle of the living room floor after I just finished vacuuming. Check.
Reading is our daily escape to a magical world—together.
It’s normal to feel confident *and* sad about your decision.
I feel it is my duty as a mother to raise grateful, compassionate and generous kids.
I feel more balanced as a person because working helps me maintain my own identity.
You don’t realize it, but trust me, you are doing amazing.
From a mom who’s been there, I want to tell you that it is going to be okay.
Communicate when there’s a change in routine—and leave enough time to process
I wouldn’t be teaching them anything by trying to protect them from failures at every turn.
You show up. EVERY. DAY. No one else can do a better job at providing motherly love than you.
I know you’re not a magician and you can’t always know what I need, so I promise to let you know what’s going on inside my head.