Home / Terri-Ann Perras
I'm a stay-at-home-mom raising 3 wild and beautiful boys under the age of 5 in Ontario, Canada. After dealing with pregnancy loss, postpartum anxiety and depression and fertility issues myself, it became a mission of mine to raise awareness about these topics through writing by sharing the real, raw moments of motherhood.
These are the reasons I will never try to override someone's struggles with the idea that it might get better or one day might be worth it. Because in the moment, it sure doesn’t feel like it.
The only difference between you and I is that it’s all new to you. It’s like learning any new skill. It’s not supposed to be easy or feel comfortable.
The thing about postpartum anxiety that makes it so misunderstood is that it’s invisible to you—but it’s very real to us.
I knew I'd have to sacrifice my time. My body. Sleep. But there's so many sacrifices I wasn't prepared for.