Home / Suzanne Tucker
Suzanne Tucker, mom of four, has been a physical therapist and parent educator for over 27 years. Generation Mindful was founded based on a need she was seeing in her positive discipline classes. Parent and educators were loving the science of positive discipline, but struggling to take the science of connection practically into everyday life, particularly when they were feeling stressed or their children were acting out. Suzanne saw a need for tangible, evidence based tools and toys that make connection a habit in homes and schools, and Generation Mindful was born. Generation Mindful creates educational tools and toys that nurture emotional intelligence via play and positive discipline, and our mission is to raise an emotionally healthy world. Learn more about the science behind why play and positive discipline strategies work.
Positive affirmations can teach kids to have confidence in themselves.
Here's why clinginess can be a good sign.
More than ever, kids need social and emotional support as the school year begins.
You probably won't agree with every single parenting decision your partner makes, but here's how to present a united front.