Sarah Cords, Author at Motherly

Sarah Cords

Sarah Cords is an indexer and former librarian who writes about books at Citizen Reader, and British TV at The Great British TV Site. She lives with her family in Wisconsin.


I struggle with how social my child is compared to me

I am torn. His desire to like and be liked is inspiring to me. But I am also a worrier and to me an attitude of "I will do anything to be liked" seems synonymous with "I will go along with anything faster than you can say 'peer pressure.'"


I didn’t know how badly I wanted a natural birth until it wasn’t an option

It wasn't until my husband and I dashed out to buy a few baby necessities in case I started bleeding or went into labor early (two of the condition's risks), did I realize I wouldn't get to apply anything I'd already read about natural childbirth. I burst into tears.
