Rachel Macy Stafford, Author at Motherly

Rachel Macy Stafford

Rachel Macy Stafford is a NYT bestselling author and founder of www.handsfreemama.com. In her newly released book, LIVE LOVE NOW, Rachel does what she does best: she lovingly encourages, guides, and challenges us to be better than we've been. Through honest storytelling and small, tangible steps, Rachel shows us that simple changes yield positive results. LIVE LOVE NOW equips 21st century parents with tools for 21st century parenting that have the power to transform your home and heart into a healthier, happier place. Join Rachel at The Hands Free Revolution on Facebook and Instagram for more inspiration and encouragement.


I’m saving summer from the screens this year

Because when I was a kid, summer was an all-senses experience.

June 25, 2018


I chose compassion during morning meltdowns—and it has made all the difference

My reaction to my child's situation held the power to save a morning, to save a heart from worry.

March 5, 2018


I became a more peaceful parent by letting go of distractions and ‘perfection’

We can teach our children that peace builds bridges—bridges that can carry us over in times of trouble. ✌️️

September 1, 2017


When I started noticing the small signs of beauty, it made the biggest difference

When you notice and acknowledge the low-hanging fruits of everyday life, gratitude has the potential to spread to those around you.

July 7, 2017


How I stopped yelling + became a calmer mama

3. Look your loved one directly in the eye before responding

June 30, 2017


Choosing joy over anger isn’t easy—but it’s oh-so worth it

When you choose to be joyful, you attract joy like a magnet. 

June 9, 2017


Dear child: Let’s make this the summer of ‘yes’

It was the summer their mama could have spent hunched over the keys of her computer, but she didn't.

May 29, 2017


How I let go of distractions + ‘perfection’ and became a more peaceful parent

We can teach our children that peace builds bridges—bridges that can carry us over in times of trouble. ✌️️

March 7, 2017