Qiana Williams, Author at Motherly

Qiana Williams

Qiana Williams is a digital marketer, professional writer, and radio host. Qiana is deeply rooted in advocacy and working with underprivileged youth. As a child abuse survivor and mom of 6 children of her own, her goal is to inspire and empower.


My child came out at 16. Here’s what I want other parents to know

When I became a mother, my goal was to let my children know they had the freedom to be who they were and that their mom would never turn her back on them.

Updated May 20, 2024

Motherly Stories

I learned to let go, respect and love my postpartum body

I looked down at my formerly-flat, newly-deflated belly after giving birth to my oldest son, and I thought to myself: is this what my body is going to be like, now? The changes your body experiences during and after pregnancy can be shocking, but I learned to find the beauty in it.

Updated January 23, 2023


Dear September 11 babies: Your birth was a bright spot in a dark time

A message to babies born on and around September 11, 2001.

September 10, 2021


Why it’s important to address the Derek Chauvin verdict with your kids

Whether or not you feel directly impacted by George Floyd's murder, this is a necessary conversation to have as a family.

April 23, 2021