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Neha Mandhani is a grateful mama to two little boys and a leadership coach and thought partner for mothers who aspire to lead with their values and bring forth their authentic voices. She believes our world needs brave and curious mothers stepping into their full power to create workplaces, communities, and homes to meet the myriad challenges of our complex world. She loves to hike, read and cook and meaningful connections are one of her greatest sources of joy. Her kitchen is often messy, laundry is unfolded and legos are her family’s perennial babysitter! https://www.nehamandhani.com/ IG: @mandhani.neha
#4. Quiet time. We are soooo in.
I have learned that my life is much more meaningful when I say yes to hard work with intention and purpose.
Want to make work feel a little more like play, mama? We feel you.
3 valuable questions to ask our children when we really want them to think big.