Nadene van der Linden, Author at Motherly

Nadene van der Linden

Nadene van der Linden is a clinical psychologist in private practice. Nadene is the author of the much loved Tales from the Parenting Trenches: a clinical psychologist vs motherhood. Join the Unshakeable Calm facebook group today. Science based tips for calm and confident living.

Baby Sleep Tips

This is the biggest indicator of a kid’s happiness, according to survey

Getting enough sleep made children twice as likely to report feeling happy lots of the time.

Updated April 21, 2022

Baby Milestones

The fascinating connection between your baby’s sleep and language development

This study found that 6- to 8-month-old babies were able to create a meaning for a word, but only after they'd had a nap.

January 30, 2019

Health & Wellness

8 psychologist-backed tips for improving communication with kids

Good communication with you forms the basis of good communication with other people as your child grows into an adult.

January 22, 2018