Posts by Melissa Gayle, Author at Motherly

Melissa Gayle

Melissa Gayle is a California based wedding, family, travel and lifestyle photographer with a serious passion for the outdoors. She has had a wandering heart and a creative spirit and now takes joy in teaching the fruits of those joys with her two year old daughter Winter Rose. A firm believer that having a roof over ones head is overrated, she is an ambassador for female explorers who believe that rising before dawn, dirtying ones hands, and breathing fresh air is the good stuff in life. She is expecting her second child in one month. Melissa Gayle Photo Instagram Melissa Gayle Weddings Instagram

I don’t want to give birth in a hospital right now

I have been pregnant for 245 days, and in the past 12 of those, everything I have come to know about how this baby will enter the world is on the chopping block.

Updated Oct. 14, 2021