
Mary Katherine Backstrom

Mary Katherine (MK) Backstrom is an essayist, viral blogger, founder and personality behind Mom Babble, and her social media pages boast more than 91 million views. She has been featured on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and awarded The Today Show Iris Award. Dealing both candor and inspiration, MK has become a well-known presence in the parenting blogosphere. Her publications include The Today Show, Washington Post, Yahoo.com, and Scary Mommy. MK is married to her college sweetheart (Ian), and they currently reside in sunny Florida with their son (Ben), daughter (Holland), and two golden retrievers.

mom holding toddler

The baby milestones app no one talks about

Milestones made me happy. Hour by hour, I received pings on everything from the ideal growth of my baby, to expected changes in my body, to birth preparation, and beyond.

Updated Oct. 01, 2024