Home / Lily Isobella
With a background in Herbal Medicine, Naturopathy & Counselling, Lily has specialised in women’s health, and specifically recovery from sexual trauma for over 2 decades. Between her private practice and her speaking career she has helped thousands of women claim back their health, vitality, body sovereignty & mental well-being after instances of sexual abuse, rape, violence & trauma. She is well versed in what the problem is. And more importantly, passionate about what the solution can be. A sought after speaker, Lily travels Australia wide, educating parents & services about better ways to have impactful, insightful, brave conversations with our children about sex, love & self esteem. As a mother to 3 children herself, she has an empathic insight into how tough this part of parenting can be. She has been described as inspiring, engaging, thorough & wickedly honest. Totally dedicated to changing the destiny of one young person every single day, for the rest of her life, Lily spends her waking hours facilitating educational programs and curating social change events.
This was the teaching moment. This was the moment to make it count.