

Lauren is a wife, mother of three kids, thinker, and blogger. She lives in a multi-generational household in a rural area and organizes programming designed to connect young families. Lauren is passionate about building a community of parents committed to raising compassionate, thoughtful children. Join the discussion on her blog.

A thank you letter to my friends without kids

In the midst of raising kids, talking about kids, and being with others who have kids, a lot of parents overlook just how much love and support you pour into us.

Updated Aug. 24, 2022
child in front of the table

Teaching your child the art of happiness

When we speak things aloud, we give them power to shape our hearts and minds. Among all the books and podcasts and articles we read, we often overlook (as I have) the importance of recognizing and speaking aloud when we are simply happy.

Updated Feb. 15, 2022