
Laura Forrest Hopfauf

Laura Forrest Hopfauf lives with her daughters and husband in West Virginia where she works as a freelance writer with a focus on family, parenting, and traveling. Before kids she hiked across a Caribbean Island, backpacked through Europe and Northern Africa, and lived out of the pack of a truck for a year driving across North America. Her work has been featured in Business Insider, Fodor’s Travel, Blue Ridge Outdoors, and Virginia Bride among other publications. You can reach her for inquiries at laurahopfauf@outlook.com

child reading a book in a fort - tips for raising readers

5 ways to raise little readers

My kids see me read. They know that reading is something I do like cooking and showering and exercising.

Updated May. 17, 2024
to my firstborn, pregnant mom sitting with child laying on her belly

A letter to my firstborn before your sibling arrives

We’re stepping out of our old life into a new one. I’m excited to add another to our family, but I'm grieving, too.

Updated Oct. 03, 2022