Home / Juli Wiliams
Juli is a mama of two littles and is currently the Photo + Video Editor at Motherly. She is passionate sharing about minimalism and living with less. You can follow her journey on Instagram @itsjuliwlliams
Tips to take beautiful week by week pregnancy photos.
You'll obsess over these newborn baby pictures.
Being firm when it comes to my daughter's sleeping habits has given me restful nights of sleep I desperately need.
What to do after you're done binge-watching her show.
Here's what I learned (and now do) to keep us from getting back to that place of too many toys.
The problem was that even with all of these toys, she didn't seem to be actually playing with anything!
I started feeling stressed out every time he cried, which was often.
But I *did* recover. And you will, too, mama.
Having a second baby hit me like a ton of bricks.
Hint: It’s easier than you think.
Dividing our gender roles can seem like a thing of the past.
7 habits i learned from my mom