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Jess lives in the heart of Montana with her husband and four kids. She's a stay-at-home mom that works in her free moments copywriting and blogging. She's passionate about family, community, adventure and keepin' it real on her new blog wonderoak.com.
I sat down and mapped out a life plan, and so far it looks like I will be late for approximately 15 more years.
Laundry. We are literally always doing laundry.
The struggle is REAL. But always try to remember that many people are doing a lot more sympathizing than judging.
What if we decided that good-enough, is actually enough?
I cringe when someone congratulates me on getting my husband to babysit—as though he isn’t also their parent.
2. The nudity.
I may not always be a SAHM, but for now, these moments are treasure stored up in my heart.