Jessica Cushman Johnston, Author at Motherly

Jessica Cushman Johnston

Jess lives in the heart of Montana with her husband and four kids. She's a stay-at-home mom that works in her free moments copywriting and blogging. She's passionate about family, community, adventure and keepin' it real on her new blog


I am not a perfect mom but I am a ‘good enough’ mom

Sometimes I buy big bags of organic carrots and sometimes I declare it ‘pizza night!’ I am good enough at nutrition.


A very important letter for new mamas

Listen, mom-guilt is a dirty liar. Yes, it's your job to fill your little human's needs, but you matter too. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Hang out with friends, take a drive blaring 90's hip hop or shower without interruptions—trust me, you'll be a better person (and mom) because of it.


I’m the helicopter mom I ‘never’ wanted to be

The thing is, when I look at them with their smooth cheeks and bright eyes, I see their soft hearts and tender innocence. The thought of them being wounded or broken or hurt feels like a knife in my heart that I just couldn't take. It's too much.

Community & Friendship

To my struggling friend—I am here for you

We have all been undone. We can hold space for them because we get it.


Dear kids, when I fail…

I hope that my weakness teaches you something. I hope that when you come upon your own brokenness, tiredness, fear and confusion, that you will be okay with it. I pray that your imperfections won't scare you as they have me. I pray that you won't run from them, but that you'll wrestle with them and you will keep showing up, saying sorry, and trying again.


To the mom at Target whose kids were screaming—I’ve been there, too ❤️

I've stood sweating in this woman's exact position, barely commanding the tears to wait until I got to my car. I've felt my face grow red and hot as my toddler screamed and kicked, waking up my baby who was angry and ready to nurse. I've felt so alone and so out of control.


Dear imperfect life: I like you

There's nothing wrong with me because I'm scared sometimes and I make mistakes in parenting, wife-ing and life-ing. I am human; you are human; we are flawed and imperfect.

Motherly Stories

Dear son, you’ll always be my little boy

I had no idea how my heart would stretch and grow with every day of being your mom.


Dear daughter, when I fail at being your role model

I always wanted to figure out all of my issues before I raised you. I wanted to truly and uninhibitedly love the skin I am in. I wanted to never, ever, use the word "fat" to describe myself (even in secret). I wanted to have conquered anxiety and depression. I wanted to shake it all off and be the "perfect role model" before your precious soul entered the world.


Dear kids, when you grow up…

I want you to know whatever you make of this life, I am so so proud of you. There's nothing you could ever do to make my love die down or be snuffed out. No matter what choices you make, I will forever be your greatest fan. I will always be here for every phone call and for every time you need a reminder of who you are.
