Heather Marcoux, Author at Motherly - Page 2 of 80

Heather Marcoux

Heather Marcoux was formerly the Senior News Editor for Motherly. She lives in Canada with her partner and child.


12 celebrity mamas get real about their postpartum bodies

For a long time the first photo the public would see of…

October 17, 2021

Miscarriage & Loss

These powerful viral photos are changing the way we talk about pregnancy + infant loss

In a series of stunning photographs, Paterak shows mothers who have suffered a loss holding a chalkboard with the worst and best things people said to them.

Updated October 5, 2021


6 reasons October babies are special

These babies have a lot more going for them than just Halloween.

Updated October 4, 2024

Children's Health

Why the AAP wants kids to get a flu shot before Halloween this year

Kids under 5 are at a higher risk of serious complications from flu.

Updated September 4, 2024

Marriage & Partnerships

Married sex is the best sex—here’s why

Chances are good that the best sex a person will have in their life will be with a long-term partner. Statistically speaking, the odds are in your favor.

September 24, 2021

Car Seat Safety

5 safety apps and tools that remind parents there’s a baby in the back seat

Every year kids are left in hot cars–and as much as we think it could never happen, it does.

Updated September 29, 2022

It's Science

It’s science: Cuddling your baby changes their DNA—for the better

TL;DR: parents should never worry that they're hugging a baby too much.

September 2, 2021