Home / Haley Campbell
Haley is the owner and developer of the Beluga Wrap - a bamboo baby carrier made in Vancouver, Canada. She gave birth to her baby girl April 2015, and launched her company four months later. Despite the insanity of running a start-up with a newborn, she wouldn't do it any other way. Find her at https://belugababy.com
2. Get your hands back (and stop unwanted hands touching your baby)
Meet Stephanie Lee and Kristin Reichert, and listen to their secrets to living the life you deserve.
Your specific brand of euphoria? It’s unique to you.
5. Breathe together.
You need a break mama.
Because sometimes that “glow” just doesn’t happen.
“If you think a colored play space is good for a kid’s imagination, just imagine what running around the Taj Mahal could do.”
You’ve got places to go and people to see—and there’s no need to let breastfeeding slow you down!
2. Whose boob is it anyway? Dealing with cluster feeding
When kids get involved with their food choices, healthy eating seems a lot more exciting.
There's always room for a bit more fun—and cake.
Get to know your authentic self—we know she’s worthy of love and compassion!