
Erin Jean

Erin Jean is a free-spoken storyteller whose experiences (both wonderful and ugly) have shaped her perspective of the world. Erin is a mother to three delicate souls - Isla, Felix, and Arlo. She calls the seacoast of New Hampshire home, and writes most of her pieces from the Google Docs app on her iPhone in between diaper changes, bedtime, work meetings, and dinner. She lost her son Felix in 2022 to Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), a rare genetic disorder poetically coined "the worst disease you've never heard of," and misses him with every ounce of her being. Instagram: @erinmjean

bereaved parents club- sad woman sitting on couch

An invitation to the bereaved parents club 

This is paradoxical: to love and to lose in this way. It’s unthinkable, and yet here we are.

Updated Jul. 12, 2024