Home / Erin Heger
Erin is a freelance writer living in the Kansas City area where she also works as a health insurance navigator for a community health center. She writes primarily about reproductive justice and parenting. Her work has been featured in Rewire, DAME Magazine and Refinery29.
Statistics say one thing about postpartum mood disorders, but social media can say another.
Why play in the day can lead to restful nights.
Exorbitant childcare costs are a burden on a generation already struggling.
New research shows the bacteria in a mother's mouth may actually help prevent allergies in young children.
It’s one of the most common, and often frustrating questions moms of…
Any parent with young children knows how stressful traveling can be—especially on…
Our partners and support circles can and *should* be part of planning to prioritize a new mother’s sleep.
This movie shows why it’s essential to nurture the nurturer.
We also applaud Walmart for their new adoption benefits.
CHIP historically has bipartisan support—so why is it in jeopardy now?
Daycare is often presented as a subpar alternative to a stay-at-home parent—but that really isn’t true.