
Emily Glover

Emily is a Founding Team Member with Motherly. She lives in Colorado with her husband and children.

What Mindy Kaling says about being a new mom is SO true

Getting to know your baby is an amazing experience.

Updated Apr. 25, 2022

Sons of working moms grow up to do twice as much housework, says study

They devoted eight more hours weekly to caring for their children, doing domestic work and helping other family members.

Updated May. 14, 2018

Babies in glasses are irresistible—and a professor of ‘cute studies’ explains why

It's like doubling the cuteness factor, scientifically speaking

Updated May. 11, 2018

From Kate to Khloe: Expecting celebs to ‘bounce back’ after birth hurts us all

Postpartum recovery is about so much more than what size jeans you wear.

Updated May. 10, 2018

Why moms need support to increase breastfeeding rates in America

There's a big 'breastfeeding gap' between high- and low-income countries, study finds.

Updated Apr. 25, 2022

Sorry, parents: Babies prefer ‘talking’ to each other, study finds

Those baby playdates are more beneficial than you may realize.

Updated May. 09, 2018
vbac or c-section: mom decides to have a c-section

VBAC or C-section? What the science says

But there are a lot of factors at play.

Updated Oct. 04, 2022

An unscientific tally of how long it takes mamas to do *all* the things

There really aren't enough minutes in the day

Updated May. 08, 2018