Home / Emily Glover
Emily Glover is Motherly's Branded Content Editor and a Founding Team Member. She lives in Colorado with her husband and three children. LinkedIn Website
Eczema, acne, breakouts—oh my!
This sets up a lifetime of healthy sleep habits.
If your breastfed baby is refusing the bottle, here's what you need to know.
Those fetal kicks are strong enough to kick a soccer ball, mama.
Four years, three kids and lots of hard-won wisdom later.
A dermatologist shares products and easy practices to alleviate the inflammation ASAP.
It's simpler than you may think.
It's time to take what we learned from WWII and help American families today.
But 95% of American children don't meet all of the recommendations.
Considering most people mean well, these cute and creative signs are an easy way to give everyone a refresher on best practices around babies.
Where does your state rank?
We've narrowed down the best choices for you.