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Diana is a certified nurse-midwife midwife, pediatric nurse, founder of Gathered Birth, and wrote ' The Motherly Guide to Becoming Mama.' She loves all things birth, and is passionate about empowering women to trust themselves and embrace their inner rockstar. Diana lives outside Philadelphia with her husband and 3 amazing, goofy kids.
Here are the signs to look out for.
The primary, universal sensation caused by contractions is pressure—how women process that pressure is what varies.
Here’s what you need to know to have the best possible postpartum recovery
Swelling, also called edema, in pregnancy is incredibly common—and usually not a cause for worry.
Here are some of the common questions people have about genetic screening in pregnancy, to help you understand what genetic screening is, the risks, accuracy and types of tests to choose from.
2. You are not going to enjoy every minute, and that's okay.
You've got this, mama.
We're breaking down your nutrition needs for those first few weeks postpartum.
It can be tricky to decipher exactly what your baby wants in the beginning. As you grow with your baby, you'll start to recognize what certain cries mean.
Please start. We don't have any more time to lose.
I know you’re grateful for your family every day. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy.