Common Sense Media, Author at Motherly

Common Sense Media

Common Sense Media is an independent non-profit organization offering unbiased ratings and trusted advice to help families make smart media and technology choices. Check out our ratings and recommendations at

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A new parent’s ultimate guide to social media

Is it safe to post pictures of baby? What's okay to share and what's TMI?

June 30, 2021

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How to raise an optimistic child in a pessimistic world

While the news is hard right now, you've got all the tools you need to make the world a better place.

April 24, 2020


9 reasons to read aloud to older kids, mama

Research shows that continued reading aloud after age 5 (and well beyond) improves reading and listening skills and academic performance.

September 23, 2019


9 must-have apps for kids on the autism spectrum

Technology has the power to unlock learning for kids of all ages and stages.

April 18, 2019

Our Partners

5 tips for your kid’s first trip to the movies

How to make the first venture to the theater a success.

November 26, 2018

What To Read

11 practical tips to pick books for your advanced reader

The key is finding a book or series that's engaging, well-matched to your kid's literacy skills, and on target with their emotional development.

October 3, 2018

Teen Activities

5 ways to manage screen time for your middle schooler

Students who were usually on task and high-performing were nodding off and "forgetting" to do their homework.

September 25, 2018