Home / Chelsea Robinson, LCSW
Chelsea Robinson, LCSW, is a motherhood therapist, matrescence coach, village builder and founder of Mama’s Modern Village. With over 10 years of experience in the field of mental health, she supports women on their motherhood journey at the intersection of modern motherhood culture and a woman’s matrescence, her transition from woman to mother. Chelsea is not a parenting expert, rather an expert on the mama, whose work centers on bringing the mother back into focus. Chelsea has created "Becoming Mama", a 12-week program designed to support women all along their motherhood journey in decreasing their burnout, stress and overwhelm, while increasing their confidence, joy and understanding of their matrescence. You can sign up for the waitlist on her website. http://www.mamasmodernvillage.com/
And now the Surgeon General’s warning about parental stress affirms that.
Sure, I’ll take the flowers and breakfast in bed, too, but if you really want to acknowledge all that I do, start treating me like a paid employee.
And it can feel oppressive. Here’s how to shift that pressure to make motherhood more empowering for yourself and mothers everywhere.
But how can moms create happiness anchors for themselves? The answer: In glimmers and small rituals.
Matrescence is a continuum, and the majority of moms are in the ‘messy middle.’ Here’s what that means.
Depression in men often goes undiagnosed—but men are 3 to 4 times more likely to die by suicide than women. Here's how to spot the signs.
It's a form of postpartum depression.
When you’re experiencing thoughts of suicide, it’s hard to ask for help—but that’s when help from others is most necessary.
Ask any toddler mom; they need a meal train now more than ever.
Here’s how to normalize your feelings and get grounded again.
Viewing motherhood through the lens of trauma might make you feel more validated.
Here’s how to spot the signs.