Cameron Kleimo, Author at Motherly

Cameron Kleimo

Cameron Kleimo is a mindfulness practitioner and a parent coach with masters degrees in education and psychology. She's also a mom of two incredible, "differently-wired" boys and a wife to a nerdy surfer. When she's not putting her mindfulness skills to the test with her spirited kids, you'll find her surfing, singing or writing.


Shaming a child for behavior doesn’t work—here’s what does

Punishment and shame don't create positive behavior change. Here's why experts say there's a better way.

July 1, 2020


Lost your cool with your child? Here are 5 easy steps to reconnect

Parenting during a pandemic means we're going to lose our cool sometimes—it's what happens afterward that really counts.

April 24, 2020


How I learned to stop worrying as a parent

At the heart of all my questions was one thing: Fear.

December 3, 2019